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When interviewing for a job obviously it is important to put “your best foot forward.” How does that translate to one’s wardrobe? It’s not just about fancy shoes… Here is some helpful advice from on how to dress for an interview.

Today I wanted to draw your attention to a helpful listing from ResumeBear on How to Make Sure You are Prepared for a Job Interview. While some of these tips may seem obvious, it is often the simple things that can be neglected when preparing for an interview which can lead you to be caught off guard and possibly stumble. Follow the Boy Scout motto: Be Prepared!

Sometimes right off the bat and other times after a few pleasantries have been exchanged, you will find yourself in an interview and the recipient of the dredded “Tell Me A Little About Yourself” question. I think less is definitely more when answering this question. I encourage you to check out The Work Coach Cafe‘s excellent advice on how to handle the “tell me about yourself” question.

Here’s an entry from “The Work Buzz” (good job seeker blog from about the 5 rules for asking better interview questions. I always appreciate it when someone is willing to do the heavy lifting for me and sort through the 301 Best Questions to Ask on Your Interview and boil it down to just the top five. Enjoy.